News reporters seem so phony sometimes. Don't get it twisted, they are just like you and I except they're better paid, better looking and have better benefits. Well, maybe they're just like you and I.
In the video below, you will see a news report about a squirrel with a yogurt cup stuck on his head. In a great act of humanity, the photographer filming the scene, takes the the cup off of the squirrel's head. Well, that happens off camera, so, I'm taking it on faith.
You will see the squirrel struggle for bit while the news anchors laugh.
Thanks to WYFF Channel 4 for posting this video on YouTube.
How To Choose A Pair Of Panties
How To
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Somebody wake up Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Fergie, this post is for them. The following video demonstrates how to pick a pair of panties.
Thanks to the wonderful people at HowCast, now women of the world (and some men) have an instructional video on how to pick pair of panties. Who says that the Internet is worthless?
If you choose to go commando, you'll get no argument from me unless you're a man.
Thanks to the wonderful people at HowCast, now women of the world (and some men) have an instructional video on how to pick pair of panties. Who says that the Internet is worthless?
If you choose to go commando, you'll get no argument from me unless you're a man.
6:57 PM
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