Some ot the Dumbest Family Feud Contestants Ever
Family Feud has another host? Whatever happened to the guy that used to be on Home Improvement? You know...that guy with the beard? He used to host Family Feud back in the day? Was he fired or something? Oh well.
VlogHog is a video blog that showcases video. Some are made by me and some are made by others. This video is from I-Film a.k.a. the first YouTube.
Why Doesn't Google Have An AdSense Debit Card?

No Need To Defend Rachael Ray, Defend Yourself

Tiger Woods Hitting A Tree With His Club
This video, edited by me with a Pentax Optio M20 digital camera and Windows Movie Maker, was on YouTube's most watched page and was the number one video in the Sports category for a couple of days. Number one. Don't ask me why. All of my semi-successful videos on YouTube have been by accident. If I knew 100% how to get 100,000 plus views with a video, I'd tell you. Wait a minute. I do know. Brazilian female oil wrestling.
VlogHog: No longer Tiger-proofed.
Deer Caught In The Act Of Eating Prize Roses

250 Ways To Increase Traffic For Your Blog

If you don't want traffic for your blog, it's easy. Trust me. All you have to do is post about your daily life and no one but your friends and family will visit and most of them will lie about reading it anyway. The very act of putting a blog on the Internet means you want people (other than the ones you know) to read it. So, everyone wants an audience for their blog.
The following links contains over 250 ways to increase traffic to your blogs. Most of authors of the links have very successful blogs, such as John Chow, Darren Rowse and Rand Fish.
Read, live and learn.
1. Seth Godin
2. Priya Shah
3. Yvonne Divita
4. Dave Taylor
5. Ryan Lewis
6. Tinu Abayomi-Paul
7. Paul Stamatiou
8. Rand Fish From Seomoz.org
9. Angela Booth
10.Guy Maclaren
11. Neil Patel
12. Jason Preston
13. Pawel Reszka
14. Erin Kurwicki
15. George Manty
16. Gaman
17. Tom Sherman
18. John Chow
19. Andy
20. Cameron Olthuis
21. JerkyBeef
22. Leonid Shalimov
23.Daniel Sitter
25. Superblogging
My number one method of getting traffic? Get a million of your closet friends to visit your blog once a month.
P.S. If all of the tips don't add up to 250 ways to increase traffic. Visit all of the links, count them up and leave a comment on my page. Then, tell all of your friends what a big liar I am on every discussion boards that you can. Don't forget to link back to this page for the evidence.
VlogHogGood luck.
Miss Teen USA 2007--- Ms. Teen South Carolina Speaks
As long as your great looking, you will have a better shot at success. Learn to live with it, fellow ugly people. How many of you were on NBC the other night? So, Ms. Teen South Carolina ,Caitlin Upton, is ahead of the game. Beauty contests are for lookin' at!
Yes, it's superficial. But all people are superficial to a degree. It's not an American thang.
So when you laugh at this young ladies answer (and you will. I did), just remember all the women who get executive assistant jobs that pay high five figures because of their figure. I'm not saying it's right.
The question is asked by actress Aimee Teegarden and I assume that's her real name.
This is Caitlin Upton, not to be confused with the buxom Sports Illustrated Cover Girl Kate Upton or Upton Sinclair who wrote "The Jungle."
VlogHog, out.
(It is funny, though---VlogHog 2010)
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Caitlin Upton |
Van Struck By Lighting Video and Pictures
There is a lighting strike in this video but I'm dubious about the van being hit. Well, you watch the video for yourself and make up your own mind. Still, the video of the lighting strike is impressive.
This video was originally posted at LiveLeak.
The Art of The Booty Clap
The video below shows what the booty clap is and why it's importance to the strip club culture.
You get an education at VlogHog. A B.A. in human behavior, and much like a B.A. in liberal arts, it's worthless.
Video: YouTube Girl.
Grandma Ghost Rides The Whip
You put your car in neutral, get out of it and dance around it. Or, if you're really fly, you get out of your car while it's moving and dance around it. Did I mention that your car must be moving while this happens? It's the shit.
This video demonstrates how to ghost ride your whip. It's educational. It's the bomb. It's on VlogHog.
The Richest Rappers In The World
VlogHog revenues are up %100 since 2006. Now averaging $2.00 per month.
The Top Five Dumbest Sports of All-Time
Ultimate Fighting- Ultimate fighting isn't boxing or wrestling. It's street fighting. Two people get into a ring and beat the hell out of each other by all means necessary. Is that it? Yeah, that's pretty much it, son. Can I kick him in the nuts? Yeah, it's all good.
Extreme Cheerleading- Cheerleading competitions are popularity contests like American Idol, The Golden Globes or presidential campaigns. If your victory is determined by judges, in my mind, it ain't a sport.
Dog Fighting- Let me get this straight. You get two dogs angry at each other and let them fight to the death or until one is left standing. Somehow the dog's owner is declared the winner. The "owner" did jack shit.
Cock Fighting- Let me get this straight. You get two chickens angry at each other and let them fight to the death or until one is left standing. Somehow the chicken's owner is declared the winner. It would be more of a sport you cooked the chickens to see which one tasted better.
Midget Tossing- Yes, this is considered a sport. Really. You get a little person and strap them up and toss them like used tissue. Hey, look at the video below for an example. IMO, a wet tee-shirt contest is more of a sport. Put that on ESPN ASAP. Now, I'd pay to see that. Midget tossing? Get real.
Why Does Jason Giambi Get A Free Pass From New York Yankees Fans?

New York Yankees fans have a chance make a statement about steroid abuse by booing Jason Giambi, admitted steroid and human growth hormone user, but they haven't.
Yet, Barry Bonds is booed on the road every time he takes a cheese fart while Giambi, who won the 2000 American League MVP award, gets a pass from most baseball sports writers and a large mass of New York Yankees fans. Why?
Some point out that Bonds hasn't been nice to fans, baseball writers, fellow teammates and other bullshit and that's why he gets the negative feedback. Of course, the main reason Bonds, who is the all-time home run leader, is demonized is that he allegedly took steroids to boost his stats and career. These same fans claim that any player using steroids is a cheater and should be punished.
These fans take valuable minutes out their lives to print up posters that defame Bonds, call radio talk shows demanding he should be banned and think all of his records should have an asterisk next to them. Yet, Jason Giambi, who has admitted to taking steroids by the way, gets a pass from everyone from New York Yankees fans to the anchors on Sportscenter, who can't wait to report the size and smell of every one of Bonds bowel movements.
Some New York Yankees fans, like most hypocritical fans, support Giambi because he's on their team. Of course, if he played for the Boston Red Sox he would be booed back to the stone age.
Either Bonds, and all players who take steroids, are villains that should be punished or they are not. It shouldn't matter that Giambi has done "...a lot of public service work" as baseball commissioner Bud Selig, who will not suspend Giambi, has stated. Hell, most baseball players do public service work. Yeah, believe it or not.
So, it's time for all of the investigations of all baseball players to end if all baseball players have to do is "public service work." It's time for all baseball fans to stop booing Barry Bonds or start booing Jason Giambi, who by the way has admitted to taking steroids which, according to most fans and Bob Costas, is worse than beating your wife, children and dog.
It's time for ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and the San Francisco Chronicle to stop their investigative pieces on Barry Bonds or risk being called racist or at the very least give Giambi the same anal treatment that was given to Jose Canseco, Sammy Sosa and Rafael Palmeiro, who claimed at a congressional hearing that he never EVER used steroids or performance enhancing drugs but later failed a performance enhancement drug test.
BTW Did you know that Jason Giambi has admitted to using steroids and human growth hormones?
Those Amazing Animals: Dog Version
This clip shows a Pug that reacts funny when he hears a blender. "Those Amazing Animals" is a regular clip feature on Vlog Hog. Therefore, I find some of the funniest amimal clips on YouTube or whoever's video hosting service and post them here.
See related article: "Those Amazing Animals Part One"
Dave Chappelle At Radio City Music Hall part one
Bring back Chappelle's Show.
Mad TV Clip Of The Week: John Madden's Popcorn Popper
Wayne Brady Vs Dave Chappelle
Video of Old Men Fighting
This video is courstey of I-Film shows what happens when civility breaks down and you have to throw down. VlogHog loves the violence. Peace.
You Do Have High-Speed Don't You?
I thought I was the last idiot without a high-speed connection but I may not be. (I had Betamax until the late 90's so who knows?) So, it goes without saying that you must have a high-speed connection to enjoy this blog to the fullest. Some might say the only way to enjoy the Internet is with a high-speed connection. Knowing how to read won't read hurt either. (And, of course, by "enjoy" I mean illegally downloading music and porn.)
I'm currently paying $45.00 dollars a month for high-speed service with Comcast. (If you know of a cheaper service let me know.) Is it worth it? Yes. (Not counting the occasional dropped signal but that's a whole other post). Once you go high-speed, you'll never want to go back. Never. Never. Never.
In any case, if you have a 56k modem, go to one of your friend's house with high-speed to watch this video below and see how fast it loads. If Tape Girl doesn't convince you to upgrade, nothing on Earth will. ( I'm assuming you have friends. I mean I know I don't.)
Cute Women Sexually Harassed By Cowardly Losers On YouTube
For those who don't know, to be a member of YouTube all you need is the ability to write. You could conceivably have thousands of accounts on YouTube. This has emboldens losers all across the world to post comments to female vloggers that they wouldn't say to them to their face.
We're not talking about the usual "You suck" type of comment I believe most could deal with. Unfortunately, the vile and disgusting comments that some post only belong in a porn movie. Not that I've seen any.
YouTube doesn't police the comments so it's up to the video producer to handle them. As of now, there is a flood of vile profanity laced comments spreading across the site (mainly aimed at women) and those losers aren't going anywhere.
However, vloggers can combat this; you aren't powerless. Take advantage of the control that allows the YouTube user to approve a comment before it goes public. Ingeniously, some people will cry censorship but they need to learn that the Constitution limits the power of government to censor not the people or companies. So, I can censor out all of the rude and crude comments that I want.
This is one of the reasons I don't allow comments here. (Not that anyone would want to comment here.) Spammers are running wild in the Internet and now some people pay others to comment on blogs.
The only other method I can conceive to combat the useless commenter is that YouTube should start charging people to join their site. If you are a paid subscriber, YouTube could then identify you. As of now, anybody can join for free and use as many faceless identities as they want. Paying a subscription fee would eliminate many of the vile comments and most of the spam.
The video below features a YouTube user named The Resident who is female and is subject to the harassment I wrote of above.
Vegetable Oil Used To Power Car And Get 700 Miles to the Tank YouTube Video
But for those who aren't automobile challenged, this video may be of use to you. Believe it or not, there are some cars that run on vegetable oil and get 700 miles to the tank. They call the fuel biodiesel.
Why aren't biodiesel fuel raging across the world? One reason, barely mentioned in the clip below, is that it's made out of such foods as corn, sunflowers and soybeans. The great thing about petroleum oil is we don't eat it. To make biofuels, we (yeah, like I'm out there doing it) would use tons of foods such as sunflowers, soybeans and corn. Thus, there would be less feed for food producing animals like cows, sheep and chickens. Oh yeah, there would be less for humans too. This, among others reasons, is why biodiesel fuels are slow to catch on.
Thus endeth my high schoolish summation.
Still 700 miles to the tank!!!
Woman Uses Olive Oil To Pull Supermarket Scam
Someone should of warned this lady in this news video from LiveLeak. Why? Inevitabley, they captured the caper on film from beginning of the scam to the bitter end.
It's the 20th century, people. Try a new scam like sending someone an e-mail asking for their bank account number to send them 6 million dollars from Nigeria so terrorists won't get it. Step your game up!!!
Biker Chicks Compete To Swallow The Most Hot Dogs
Whenever I heard people complain about this being the worst of times, how things have never been worse than what they are or that the Earth is about to be destroyed. I go to LiveLeak to watch videos like this and think, "It can't be all that bad. Look at these biker chicks."
This was on the Speed TV. An actual network on television. When I first saw the headline, I thought someone had filmed it with a camcorder. No. This was a television show with slo-mo replay and everything.
Drag Racing Snowmobile Crash With Helmet Cam
Thanks to Zuru over at Liveleak, we have this wonderful display of man vs machine vs idiot.
After some research (i.e. Googling snowmobile racing) I discover that snowmobile racing is common. Still, I thought snow would be involved somehow.
If you want more information on snowmobile racing. Visit this page at the Open Directory Project and soak it all in. And if you do decide it a worthwhile occupation, don't forget to film all of your races. Esp. the crashes.
Still, there is a part of me that thinks this is kind of cool. No pun intended.
Web Pages That Have Helped Vlog Hog
A blogger must read how other successful bloggers have done it. As the old EPMD saying goes, "Hang around with nine broke friends, you're bound to be the tenth one."
The following is a list of articles that helped get me off the ground and on my way to becoming the most successful blogger in the history of the universe.
1. "10 Ways To Make Yourself A YouTube Star" by TechDigest. I've written about how YouTube has boosted my traffic ranks in the Vlog Hog article "Increase Your Blog Traffic With YouTube." Discover how to be a star with this article.
2."How To Get Traffic To Your Blog" By Seth Godin. Godin's blog is in the top 100 blogs according to Technorati. Do you know how many blogs there are? Over 71 million and growing. He's doing a lot of things right.
3. "How To Make Money From Your Blog" by Steve Pavlina. A detailed article with several examples and great advice.
4. "18 Lessons I've Learnt About Blogging" by Darren Rowse. Two lessons I've learned is, Rowse is no overnight success and every blogger needs patience and flexibility.
5. "The #1 Dumbest Adsense Mistakes" from Xedant. Adsense, a blog and high paying keywords don't necessarily mean $10,000 dollars a month.
6."26 Steps To 15,000 Visitors A Day" by FlaminTiki. The more I blog, the more this makes sense.
This is just a small example of some the articles I've read. To be a successful blogger, I suggest you read hundreds of similar articles. To this end, I will continue to read from successful bloggers and will continue to do so even if I get a million unique viewers a month. By then, I could pay someone to read them to me.
What is Vlog Hog?

Bad Girls Of YouTube Part Three
Well, this video proves once and for all that women do fart. And some of them can do weird stuff with their arms too.
This is the type of video that gives the Internet a good name. Why waste time with Google Maps, Wikipedia or Myspace? THIS is what you should be watching. Don't forget to tell your friends that VlogHog is an asset to the Internet. NO. An asset to the world.
Visit the VlogHog archives for love and money.
Bad Girls Of YouTube Part Two
This is tokenblackchic (hey, it's her real name she uses on YouTube) talking about bad girls.
Girlfight In Orlando, Florida
Forget that. Girls fight funny. What's up with that windmill stuff that you do with your arms and the hair pulling? This kind of stuff happened every week at my high school. The only difference was that nobody had cell phone cameras to record it. I'm 100 years old.
Beyonce Falls Again
Baseball Fan Gone Wild
VlogHog presents this clip featuring a woman throwing a beer on a baseball fan in Toronto. Watch the adults play. These are the same type of fans that want athletes to sign more autographs, not take steroids and be role models to their kids. Throwing beers at other fans? That's alright. It's part of the fan "experience."
And don't give me the "these are the exceptions for fans." BS. Most fans are like this. Most. Don't believe me? Watch the rebellion if they ever stop serving alcohol at games.