Some say all sports are silly. They might be. Still, you need a degree of skill to play most games. Some so-called sports, however, are so weak they don't really need to be classified as sports. Which ones? Thanks to your friends at VlogHog, we have taken time to classify the top five dumbest sports of all time.
Ultimate Fighting- Ultimate fighting isn't boxing or wrestling. It's street fighting. Two people get into a ring and beat the hell out of each other by all means necessary. Is that it? Yeah, that's pretty much it, son. Can I kick him in the nuts? Yeah, it's all good.
Extreme Cheerleading- Cheerleading competitions are popularity contests like American Idol, The Golden Globes or presidential campaigns. If your victory is determined by judges, in my mind, it ain't a sport.
Dog Fighting- Let me get this straight. You get two dogs angry at each other and let them fight to the death or until one is left standing. Somehow the dog's owner is declared the winner. The "owner" did jack shit.
Cock Fighting- Let me get this straight. You get two chickens angry at each other and let them fight to the death or until one is left standing. Somehow the chicken's owner is declared the winner. It would be more of a sport you cooked the chickens to see which one tasted better.
Midget Tossing- Yes, this is considered a sport. Really. You get a little person and strap them up and toss them like used tissue. Hey, look at the video below for an example. IMO, a wet tee-shirt contest is more of a sport. Put that on ESPN ASAP. Now, I'd pay to see that. Midget tossing? Get real.
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