What is a cuddle party? Do you have to ask? It's self-explanatory. Okay, it's a party where people get together and cuddle. No foreplay. No heavy petting. No sex. Hey, I don't make up these things because if I did no one would believe me.
Recently, The New York Post ran a video on a cuddle party that took place in New York.
No way do I attend a cuddle party unless Adriana Lima, Beyonce and Tyra Banks show up and even then I'm thinking twice.
Now that is just plain strange! Why would you want to cuddle with a complete stranger? I mean I guess it's safer than sex with a complete stranger but still.....ew!
videos: http://www.newsweek.com/id/209164
if adriana lima, Beyonce and Tyra Banks invited me to cuddle party...I'm there. I originally wrote this when i was young and stupid.
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