
Indianapolis Landlord Could Face Up To $300,000 In Fines

A landlord in Indianapolis could face up to $300,000 in fines if he doesn't correct the 50 violations of the 15 properties that he owns.  City prosecutor Helen Marchal, who took time out of her busy schedule to appear on camera for the local news, says that the landlord has been a violator for 10 years and that his breath smells like an elephant's ass or something.

Thanks to WISH TV8  in Indianapolis for posting this video and allowing me to embed it on my blog unlike those greedy bastards at WBAL.

The landlord did make mention of the fact that he did fix one of his properties at 2321 North Lasalle street. So give him some credit for doing something right. One of out 15 ain't too bad.

 Now, you be the judge, take a look at this Google Map image of this man's property at 2321 LaSalle and tell me what you think. Keep in mind that the image might be waaay older than this post. 

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