If you read the comments sections under any video on YouTube, Metacafe or LiveLeak, you will find rude, insulting comments left by users. Yes, even my VlogHog Production video have these comments. Really.
This video deals with haters aka player haters who leave these lame comments. The man with the paperbag hat spews the most common used hater comments. "Hug A Hater" was found on LiveLeak and is produced by LiveLeak producer called by Smartt. Hey, I don't name these guys.
See related article: "How To Deal With People Who Leave Negative On Your Blogs."
John Daly's Banned Beer Commercial
This commercial starring John Daly promoting the beer Maxfli has been banned by CBS. According to LesileAnne Wade, spokeswoman for CBS, because, " it violates network guidelines prohibiting ads with direct, or implied, excessive consumption of alcohol, especially when an ad also involves hazardous activity."
Really? This is the network that shows hundreds of beer commercials during the NFL season. Hundreds. In in most of those commercials, excessive alcohol consumption is not only implied but also gets you bikini clad women, lots of friends and maybe your thirst quenched. What hypocrites.
Really? This is the network that shows hundreds of beer commercials during the NFL season. Hundreds. In in most of those commercials, excessive alcohol consumption is not only implied but also gets you bikini clad women, lots of friends and maybe your thirst quenched. What hypocrites.
2:39 PM
President Bush Dances With The Stars
In 2004, George W Bush was reelected president with 61 million votes, the most any president has ever received. This video shows why.
VlogHog fully support this action by the president 100%. This is the kind video I need to survive. Thanks, W.
VlogHog fully support this action by the president 100%. This is the kind video I need to survive. Thanks, W.
2:29 PM
Banned In Canada
Canada, that country north of the United States, has banned this commercial starring Frank Thomas, two-time baseball MVP, that promotes the upcoming Toronto Blue Jays baseball season. Naturally, I must show it here at VlogHog.
They cannot possibly be this soft in Canada. Watch the video and make your own judgements. I've been hit harder by my sister and yeah, it hurt a little but I'm still standing with the help of crutches.
Read this related article in case you think I'm making this up. "A Droll Sports Ad or Violent Imagery?"
They cannot possibly be this soft in Canada. Watch the video and make your own judgements. I've been hit harder by my sister and yeah, it hurt a little but I'm still standing with the help of crutches.
Read this related article in case you think I'm making this up. "A Droll Sports Ad or Violent Imagery?"
11:49 AM
The New Harrison Ford Movie Flops
The latest Harrison Ford movie was a flop. In 2006, Wife Force One was released in over 8000 theaters. It was directed by up and coming director Ron Graffiti. The budget was $110,000,000 and it starred Harrison Ford. . That being said, the trailer was outstanding.
I was shocked at the final box office tally of 45 million United States domestic and worldwide total of 25 million. It's no wonder Harrison Ford is making another Indiana Jones film with George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.
Watch this trailer for Wife Force One and see if you don't agree that it was solid. What went wrong?
I was shocked at the final box office tally of 45 million United States domestic and worldwide total of 25 million. It's no wonder Harrison Ford is making another Indiana Jones film with George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.
Watch this trailer for Wife Force One and see if you don't agree that it was solid. What went wrong?
11:14 AM
Maria Sharapova On Display
This slide show created by VlogHog features Maria Sharapova , owner of millions of dollars and long legs. It's no secret that if you're in the public eye and you're good looking, you're going to get a lot of media coverage. No fugly need apply. Sharapova, a six foot blonde tennis player, gets lots of media coverage. This no less true on YouTube.
This slide show has over 10,000 views and growing at YouTube. People like looking at good looking women. Correction, men like looking at good looking women. (Some women do too.) If you're a good looking women blogger and post videos at YouTube, you're guaranteed to have a traffic boost. You might not want to spend two seconds with your new visitors but your traffic will increase. Is it fair? Of course, it's not fair. It's life.
What does any of this have to do with Maria Sharapova, the multi-million dollar, long legged goddess? Absolutely nothing.
The song in this masterpiece is called "Onslaught" (BMI) and was composed by me about six years ago with Acid Pro software. It and all of my compositions will be available soon for download. Hey, I do it all at VlogHog.
This slide show has over 10,000 views and growing at YouTube. People like looking at good looking women. Correction, men like looking at good looking women. (Some women do too.) If you're a good looking women blogger and post videos at YouTube, you're guaranteed to have a traffic boost. You might not want to spend two seconds with your new visitors but your traffic will increase. Is it fair? Of course, it's not fair. It's life.
What does any of this have to do with Maria Sharapova, the multi-million dollar, long legged goddess? Absolutely nothing.
The song in this masterpiece is called "Onslaught" (BMI) and was composed by me about six years ago with Acid Pro software. It and all of my compositions will be available soon for download. Hey, I do it all at VlogHog.
10:46 PM
Sanjaya Eliminated From American Idol...Finally?
American Idol
No comments
Some might asked, "Why all the Sanjaya clips?" VlogHog says "Why not?" This clip is from the E! Network's "The Soup" starring Joel McHale.
I was hoping Sanjaya would win and see all the upset people in the world and ask, "Why?" But, that sorry dream was ruined by the American Idol viewers. Watch how The Soup handles has his departure.
Sanjaya actually sang,"Let's Give Them Something To Talk About" in front of millions of people. Okay.
I was hoping Sanjaya would win and see all the upset people in the world and ask, "Why?" But, that sorry dream was ruined by the American Idol viewers. Watch how The Soup handles has his departure.
Sanjaya actually sang,"Let's Give Them Something To Talk About" in front of millions of people. Okay.
1:46 PM
Those Amazing Animals Part ?: Dancing Dog
No comments
A dancing dog is not as valuable as a talking dog but it can be just as funny. This dog, featured in VlogHog's "Those Amazing Animals", is named Mogu. I have no idea what's that is short for, stands for or nothing. The dog dances and it's alright with me.
If you have a dancing dog, talking dog or dog that does taxes, make a video and send it to YouTube, Metacafe or I-Film. Who knows? One day, maybe it'll be featured here. Do you need more incentive than that? Do you?
If you have a dancing dog, talking dog or dog that does taxes, make a video and send it to YouTube, Metacafe or I-Film. Who knows? One day, maybe it'll be featured here. Do you need more incentive than that? Do you?
2:40 PM
Magician Shocks World With Big Mac
We show it all at VlogHog, (by "it all "I mean stuff that Blogger lets me show). This clip features a magician using a Big Mac to shock people. That's all the intro that you need, baby.
This is another I-Film video. I-Film, YouTube's older more responsible less hip brother.
Seacrest, out.
This is another I-Film video. I-Film, YouTube's older more responsible less hip brother.
Seacrest, out.
9:37 AM
Store Stuff Part Two Brought To You By Revver
It's time to quit my job, plant my ass onto my seat and continue to upload videos because I'm now making money from Revver.
Revver is a video hosting site like YouTube except they pay people for their videos. If someone clicks the video and watches it all the way through and then clicks the ad at the end, the creator of the video makes money. Of course, you can't upload the latest episode of American Idol and expect to get money. First, the people at Revver look at everything you upload. Second, you have to make original content. Finally, who watches American Idol anyway? The ratings are down. Only 50 million people are watching instead of 50.5. Weak ass show.
From now on, Vlog Hog features such as "Store Stuff" and "Would You Wear That?" will be featured exclusively at Revver. Earlier today, I e-mailed the president of Revver to inform him of this and I immediately received a cease and desist letter overnight through Fed-Ex. Sorry ass lame.
Still, I'm making some loot with Revver. This is a new chapter in my life. 25 cents may not sound like much to you but it's the beginning of the my new financial empire. I guess.
See related article: "I Write Some Songs"
Visit my archives and maybe you'll make money.
Revver is a video hosting site like YouTube except they pay people for their videos. If someone clicks the video and watches it all the way through and then clicks the ad at the end, the creator of the video makes money. Of course, you can't upload the latest episode of American Idol and expect to get money. First, the people at Revver look at everything you upload. Second, you have to make original content. Finally, who watches American Idol anyway? The ratings are down. Only 50 million people are watching instead of 50.5. Weak ass show.
From now on, Vlog Hog features such as "Store Stuff" and "Would You Wear That?" will be featured exclusively at Revver. Earlier today, I e-mailed the president of Revver to inform him of this and I immediately received a cease and desist letter overnight through Fed-Ex. Sorry ass lame.
Still, I'm making some loot with Revver. This is a new chapter in my life. 25 cents may not sound like much to you but it's the beginning of the my new financial empire. I guess.
See related article: "I Write Some Songs"
Visit my archives and maybe you'll make money.
7:19 AM
Showing Some Link Love
To date, I post most of the Vlog Hog videos at YouTube and Revver. People are able to view and post them to their websites, blogs, MySpace pages, e-mail accounts or spam chain letters. Except for the spam chain letter part, I encourage people to take my content and post it. All I ask is that I get credit for it or the blame. If you look to your right you will see a header titled "Steal My Content." This will take you to my various video pages and if you have a blog, MySpace page, website or e-mail account, take and post all the content you need.
One of the big reasons my Vlog Hog YouTube Channel has had over 400,000 views since its creation in early March 2007 is that people are linking to my content from all over the world. I am thankful. Without this support, I wouldn't have any visitors to this page, my blog indexed in the Google search engine or popular videos at YouTube. So this is a partial list of all the websites, blogs and vlogs that have linked to my videos. Thanks again.
This is a partial list and it keeps growing. To all of you who post videos at YouTube, links to your videos is as important as tags and keywords. Hopefully, for Vlog Hog, this list will continue to grow. My pockets are thin.
Read related article: "Steal My Content"
One of the big reasons my Vlog Hog YouTube Channel has had over 400,000 views since its creation in early March 2007 is that people are linking to my content from all over the world. I am thankful. Without this support, I wouldn't have any visitors to this page, my blog indexed in the Google search engine or popular videos at YouTube. So this is a partial list of all the websites, blogs and vlogs that have linked to my videos. Thanks again.
This is a partial list and it keeps growing. To all of you who post videos at YouTube, links to your videos is as important as tags and keywords. Hopefully, for Vlog Hog, this list will continue to grow. My pockets are thin.
Read related article: "Steal My Content"
8:48 AM
Alanis Morrisette Hating On Everybody
Before Alanis Morrisette was hating on Fergie with her version of "My Humps", she did this skit on MadTv playing her fictional sister Delicious on MTV's Diary.
Listen for the namedropping playerhating. I count one Mandy Moore, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Ashley Simpson and I missed a couple.
Seriously, when was the last time Morrisette had a hit? Why hate on Fergie or whoever? What's the point? Make a great CD so people could hate on you. When you have everybody celebrity bashing it gets old. Esp. when its coming from other celebrities. IMO. Yours could be different.
Listen for the namedropping playerhating. I count one Mandy Moore, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Ashley Simpson and I missed a couple.
Seriously, when was the last time Morrisette had a hit? Why hate on Fergie or whoever? What's the point? Make a great CD so people could hate on you. When you have everybody celebrity bashing it gets old. Esp. when its coming from other celebrities. IMO. Yours could be different.
11:59 AM
Increase Your Blog Traffic With YouTube
Increase Your Blog Traffic With YouTube
by Anthony Lloyd
copyright 2007
YouTube is an underdeveloped tool for most bloggers. Everyday thousands of potential visitors to your blog are passing you by. Vlog Hog isn't exactly The Drudge Report with 15 million visitors a day. Still, I started this blog in early March 2007 and have generated 900 plus visitors with 1500 plus page views. This traffic increase is due mainly to YouTube.
Bloggers, YouTube is free (for now). Take advantage of it! Bust out that digital camera and get to work. Film, edit and submit to YouTube. These are five steps that helped me increase my blog traffic with YouTube. Maybe they will help you. You are allowed 100 megabytes with each YouTube submission with an endless amount of uploads allowed. Use it.
1. When you make your productions, put your blog name at the beginning, middle and end. Put it throughout your video if you want. This is free advertising for your blog. Get your blog name out there. Even if the video only gets a thousand or so views, that's 1 to 1000 potential visitors to your site. One of those viewers could have a high traffic site and decide to post your video and then watch your views and blog traffic explode.
2. You don't have to post videos to YouTube. Post pictures, audio, slide shows or anything that fits the YouTube format. Just remember to brand your name on all of your productions. If it is popular, people will link your video from their blog, website or e-mail account. And popular is relative. All it takes is one webmaster of a high traffic site to like your Oscar worthy creation. It's the world wide web with billions of potential viewers. Don't be scared if your video isn't associated with the fad of the day. Do what you like.
3. Make your blog name your YouTube name. The name of this blog is Vlog Hog. My YouTube name? Vloghog. Now, if someone Googles Vlog Hog they get this. Google owns YouTube so your blog will be indexed in their search engine much faster if it is associated with YouTube. What if you have a YouTube account under a different name? Change it or open a new account. Fortunately,(or unfortunately some might say) all you need to open a YouTube account is a valid e-mail address.
4. Make your blog name and YouTube name one of the keywords of your submitted videos. When you submit a video to YouTube, you must type in keywords. For instance, if you make a cooking video, two of your keywords might be Food Network. This allows the YouTube search engine to find your video and maybe place it along side of a Rachael Ray video. But, make your blog name a keyword also. Remember, Google owns YouTube. Your Google blog ranking will increase with the use of your blog name as a keyword. Mine did. When someone Googles Vlog Hog using Google video they get this or if they Google vloghog (one word) they get this. Notice that my blog url is under each video title in the Google video search and there are twenty plus pages when you Google vloghog. Make your blog name one of your keywords of your video.
5. Put your blog url in the description of your YouTube video. Notice how I have done it here. Type out the full url beginning with http:// Putting your blog url in the description of your video also helps in blog search engines such as Technorati which ranks blogs according to how many links your blog receives. Click my site meter and see how many referrals I get from YouTube alone. It is right above where it says Since March 13, 2007. This works.
As I have said, Vlog Hog isn't Yahoo in terms of traffic. However, my Vlog Hog YouTube Channel has over 400,000 views since its creation on March 10, 2007. Everyday. Every hour. Every minute I devise methods of getting that traffic here. Your content might be ten times better than mine and get ten times the results. Hopefully, some of these tips will help you increase your blog traffic.
visit the archives
by Anthony Lloyd
copyright 2007
YouTube is an underdeveloped tool for most bloggers. Everyday thousands of potential visitors to your blog are passing you by. Vlog Hog isn't exactly The Drudge Report with 15 million visitors a day. Still, I started this blog in early March 2007 and have generated 900 plus visitors with 1500 plus page views. This traffic increase is due mainly to YouTube.
Bloggers, YouTube is free (for now). Take advantage of it! Bust out that digital camera and get to work. Film, edit and submit to YouTube. These are five steps that helped me increase my blog traffic with YouTube. Maybe they will help you. You are allowed 100 megabytes with each YouTube submission with an endless amount of uploads allowed. Use it.
1. When you make your productions, put your blog name at the beginning, middle and end. Put it throughout your video if you want. This is free advertising for your blog. Get your blog name out there. Even if the video only gets a thousand or so views, that's 1 to 1000 potential visitors to your site. One of those viewers could have a high traffic site and decide to post your video and then watch your views and blog traffic explode.
2. You don't have to post videos to YouTube. Post pictures, audio, slide shows or anything that fits the YouTube format. Just remember to brand your name on all of your productions. If it is popular, people will link your video from their blog, website or e-mail account. And popular is relative. All it takes is one webmaster of a high traffic site to like your Oscar worthy creation. It's the world wide web with billions of potential viewers. Don't be scared if your video isn't associated with the fad of the day. Do what you like.
3. Make your blog name your YouTube name. The name of this blog is Vlog Hog. My YouTube name? Vloghog. Now, if someone Googles Vlog Hog they get this. Google owns YouTube so your blog will be indexed in their search engine much faster if it is associated with YouTube. What if you have a YouTube account under a different name? Change it or open a new account. Fortunately,(or unfortunately some might say) all you need to open a YouTube account is a valid e-mail address.
4. Make your blog name and YouTube name one of the keywords of your submitted videos. When you submit a video to YouTube, you must type in keywords. For instance, if you make a cooking video, two of your keywords might be Food Network. This allows the YouTube search engine to find your video and maybe place it along side of a Rachael Ray video. But, make your blog name a keyword also. Remember, Google owns YouTube. Your Google blog ranking will increase with the use of your blog name as a keyword. Mine did. When someone Googles Vlog Hog using Google video they get this or if they Google vloghog (one word) they get this. Notice that my blog url is under each video title in the Google video search and there are twenty plus pages when you Google vloghog. Make your blog name one of your keywords of your video.
5. Put your blog url in the description of your YouTube video. Notice how I have done it here. Type out the full url beginning with http:// Putting your blog url in the description of your video also helps in blog search engines such as Technorati which ranks blogs according to how many links your blog receives. Click my site meter and see how many referrals I get from YouTube alone. It is right above where it says Since March 13, 2007. This works.
As I have said, Vlog Hog isn't Yahoo in terms of traffic. However, my Vlog Hog YouTube Channel has over 400,000 views since its creation on March 10, 2007. Everyday. Every hour. Every minute I devise methods of getting that traffic here. Your content might be ten times better than mine and get ten times the results. Hopefully, some of these tips will help you increase your blog traffic.
visit the archives
9:47 AM
Grey's Anatomy VS Mad-TV
This is the first Mad-TV spoof of Grey's Anatomy. Compare and contrast the two, write it up like a term paper and send it in to me. I'll grade it on a curve.
The address:
Vlog Hog
123 Asskick Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30071
The address:
Vlog Hog
123 Asskick Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30071
12:44 PM
Grey Anatomy VS House VS Mad-TV
This week's Mad-Tv Jacked From You-Tube Clip is Grey's Anatomy. Grey Anatomy's has been spoofed by Mad-Tv twice. This is the second version. The first will be posted next.
The twist this time is that House M.D. makes an appearance.
The twist this time is that House M.D. makes an appearance.
12:36 PM
Tyra Banks Has Come A Long Way
Tyra Banks
Tyra Banks should be in the old models home along with other forgotten beauties who had the nerve to turn 30. But, she continues to stay hot and relevant with two television shows, America's Next Top Model and The Tyra Banks Show.
This Tyra Banks slides show is set to an instrumental song I composed years ago called "So Serious." As long as people view these slide shows, I'm going to make them. See the Vlog Hog post called "The Secret To My Success?" for more information.
Thanks for visiting Vlog Hog.
This Tyra Banks slides show is set to an instrumental song I composed years ago called "So Serious." As long as people view these slide shows, I'm going to make them. See the Vlog Hog post called "The Secret To My Success?" for more information.
Thanks for visiting Vlog Hog.
11:45 AM
Walk It Out Old School
I love to edit more than I love to film. Editing in congruent images, sound and film together to make a congruent product. In the example listed below, I have edited DJ Unk's "Walk It Out" to a scene from to an old film (in the Public Domain) called "To Hear Your Banjo Play" starring Pete Seeger who wrote "Turn, Turn, Turn" and other songs I don't like.
If you think, "Why would someone do that?" here is the answer: Vlog Hog is an entertainment blog. I post videos that make you laugh or smile. Also, I create videos that make you laugh or smile. This is such a video. I hope.
If you think, "Why would someone do that?" here is the answer: Vlog Hog is an entertainment blog. I post videos that make you laugh or smile. Also, I create videos that make you laugh or smile. This is such a video. I hope.
11:30 AM
American Idol The Movie
American Idol
American Idol is almost as big as Vlog Hog. Almost. NBC is in preparation to make an American Idol movie. Conan O'Brien recently scooped the world with his behind the scenes details of this soon to be ratings blockbuster.
The Vlog Hog movie went straight to DVD.
The Vlog Hog movie went straight to DVD.
2:35 PM
The All-New All-Different Vlog Hog
Welcome to the new design of VLOG HOG. Now, with brighter colors, a VLOG HOG video archive, and nacho cheese center. Other changes include no more articles in ALL CAPS, no more links to animal fights and no more pictures of my ear hair.
The old design was too dark and crowded plus it didn't have enough ads on it...I mean content.
Look for more improvement in the future and don't forget to tell your friends about VLOG HOG.
The old design was too dark and crowded plus it didn't have enough ads on it...I mean content.
Look for more improvement in the future and don't forget to tell your friends about VLOG HOG.
2:07 PM
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