
The Rules of JWoww - New York Post

The Rules of JWowww is a book coming out or it's already out. I don't know. Go to Amazon to find it, if you want it. Buy it. No, I don't get a dime for it.

In the video above, you will see a behind the scenes look at Jenni Farley a.k.a JWoww at a photo shoot to promote the book I mentioned above.

we post videos for comments

I have a confession to make. I really don't know who Jwoww is. Going through my YouTube subscriptions, I saw this posted at The New Post and thought it would be interesting. Well, I thought her breasts would be interesting. At least I admit it. This blog is no different than television network in that I will post what brings in the eyeballs. According to my website counter, people really like or hate J-Woww.

jwoww yellow shirt
Where do they sell these shirts?

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