What kind of changes? Look for more original content, wilder videos, prizes, interviews by me, giveaways, blantant promotion, Adriana Lima nude, longer articles, lawsuits, uncensored videos and all kinds of stuff.
Also, on the horizon, will be a major design change in this blog. You will be able to trackback, Comment Luv, LinkLuv and all that within the next months as this blog will become a .com and a not a blogspot.
The changes will come fast and furious but the main purpose of this blog will remain the same: to post the most sensational videos on the net.
So, stay tuned and keep watching.
Anthony Lloyd
Pictured: Jennifer Love Hewitt who has nothing to do with this post or blog.
No, Adriana Lima is not going to appear nude on this blog. I just wanted to see if anyone actually reads what I write.
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