How many people have confused the brake and gas peddles? Raise your hands. Well, how many have done this while sober. The woman in this video obviously got something wrong.
In the video below, a woman walks out of a convenience store, jumps into her truck and crashes directly into a store.
She ain't old, blind or part of Al-Qaeda as far as I can tell.
Thanks to the great beck64 at LiveLeak for posting this video. I don't know where he or she gets these videos, but I'm glad he or she does.
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damn women drivers
I bet it was a MAN who built that damn store.
...and a woman who couldn't work the, more than like, AUTOMATIC gear
yay a woman crashes a car and automatically gets her entire gender blamed for it
Yeah you'd really need too grow up you idiots. I;'m wondering who's the bigger idiot; the driver in the car pushing the wrong peddle or you misogynists seeing that as a "common mistake that women just make".
Rash1981 don't feed the troll/ignorant woman
Why is Helen Keller a bad driver?
seriously.'s because she's a woman.
What a stupid bitch. and come on, most women really are total fucking morons behind the wheel. if you're not good for you, rash1981, but you probably are. you twat.
yeah, no shit
Woman afterall....
In the Philippines, more males are involve in accidents than women.
And more women are University graduates than
Now, who is the idiot? MEN!
The chick simply forgot to engage the reverse gear and stepped on the accelerator. It's obviously a genuine mistake. Still, it was a good laugh. Thankfully nobody got hurt except for the poor woman's ego I suppose.
Why did the woman smash into the convenience store?
any guesses?
...'Cause the man told her to! That's why! Well, that, and women are horrible drivers. Really. Women, you are.
This woman probably got the gas and brake confused.
Women are just as bad drivers as MEN. Do I have stats to back it up? No. Just common sense.
hehe i think i speak for all women when i admit that we rilly are bad drivers hehe =D
She reversed into something first. That's why the customers started looking which was lucky for the brown shirted guy.
Then most likely she hit the gas, tried to brake but hit the gas again, panicked, froze and then...too late.
Do you see the way the car buckled before it jolted forward? That is the car automatically switching gears. This also generates a loud revving sound which caught the attention of the man in brown.
There is no question, she clearly and maliciously slammed on the gas, and then just as she was reaching the store, she corrected her course to crash into the doorway.
Why do we assume that just because she is a woman that her ditsy lack of coordination led her to this? No wonder she was only given a slap on the wrist. Women like her get away with this irresponsible nonsense all of the time just because they claim to be incompetent and everyone falls for this feign.
This was intentional.
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