
Sofia Vergara Is Proud Of Her Breasts

Sofia Vergara, star of Modern Family, is proud of her breasts. In the video below, you will see the reasons why.  In a recent interview with SELF magazine, Vergara states,"I'm grateful I have them, and honestly, they've helped me a lot in my career...And I've always felt sexy."  Nothing wrong with that.

Are only good looking people allowed to praise their bodies? If Vergara was butt ugly, would there be some sort of uproar from the entertainment press. If, for example, Rosie O'Donnell stated "I'm the hottest woman in the world" and meant it how many late night comedians would ride that into the next year?

Hey, Vergara is a gorgeous woman.  It's okay.

The above quote was taken from this Popeater article.


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